Friday, August 1, 2014

How to Fix Major Security Flaw on iPad and iPhone?

Apple has released an update to its operating system to stop a security breach on its mobile devices. The bug existed for several months.

Apple has released an emergency update to fix the problem on its mobile devices. The company announced on Friday 21 February, a major security flaw in its iPhone and iPad, reports Except that the problem also affects brand computers, which are currently not protected.

What is the fault?

The gap allows attacks "middle man" type. Specifically, a malicious individual can intercept communications between two people without them noticing. This vulnerability allows to interfere in confidential and sensitive data such as bank details, especially when a user iPad or iPhone using a public and open wifi network, such as a hotel, a café or airport, decrypts the company CrowdStrike, specializing in computer security.

Where does it come from?

The problem is an error code on the authentication certificates used by websites to establish encrypted connections. The flaw can bypass verification mechanisms secure connections says 20 Thus, anyone can pretend to be a reliable source of content, like Google or Facebook, and intercept the content.

This very strange error surprised many experts, who blame the verification system introduced by Apple. Others wonder even if the fault has not been deliberately introduced by a malicious engineer or a spy. The bug exists for months, but it was not until Friday that Apple has revealed the existence and severity.

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Am I concerned?

Yes, even Apple has acknowledged Saturday that the problem also concerned its computers. "We know," said a spokesman for the company told Reuters that promises an update "very soon" for its other product lines.

What should I do?

Update your cameras! The new update of iOS 7, Apple's operating system corrects this flaw indeed. Simply go into the camera settings, then "General" and "software update" following the instructions. Alternatively, you can connect your iPod, iPad or iPhone to your computer and go through iTunes to check your update.

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