The Huawei P8 sends its expected unveiling in April preceded by a series of leaks. After the last pictures of the device are penetrated to the public always, now follows the snapshot is a schematic diagram reveals the exact dimensions.
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Accordingly, the Huawei P8 is flatter than the iPhone 6, with which it is after the last photo leak again compared visually. While Apple's current top smartphone measures 6.9 mm in depth, the value is specified for alleged P8 6.6 millimeters. This would, however, not quite as flat as his predecessor in 2014 published Ascend P7, which measures 6.5 mm in depth.
Shallower than the iPhone 6, not as flat as the previous
But the depth is not the only dimension in which the Hauwei P8 At length than its predecessor. Both in height and in width dimensions of 144.9 x the leaked 71.9 millimeters would mean a slight increase over the corresponding dimensions of 139.9 x P7 68.8 millimeters. But this is not surprising, after all, is the Huawei P8 with its 5.2-inch display get a slightly larger screen than its predecessor fünfzölliger.
For the credibility of this Leaks speaks - in addition to the source OnLeaks whose operator has already brought his website NowhereElse numerous leaks to the public - that it is consistent with the announcement of Huawei Manager Jie Jinjin. The already told in advance that the successor to the Ascend P7 is not to be slimmer. The one then be immersed leak had objected, but also promised a slightly larger battery. Likely to be even more so in there now in a minimally thicker Huawei P8.
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