Samsung and Apple dominate the smartphone market. But the prelude has shaken. While Samsung has struggled with exploding batteries in Note 7 with image problems, the two iPhone 7 models are quite unspectacular.
Nevertheless, the iPhone 7 Plus in this test with the overall score 2.1 best off. This is due not least to the very good handling, which most affected the test section with a weighting of 20 per cent. Commissioning, menu guidance, display, keyboard and operation functioned as well as with any other test candidate.
Surfing the Internet, writing and reading e-mails as well as interacting with the PC - for backups, for example - evaluated the testers with "very good" (weighting: 15 percent) on both iPhones. Our editorial department is less enthusiastic about the iTunes backup function for Windows.
iPhone 7: Camera and battery
The double camera of the iPhone 7 Plus cut in the test minimally better than the conventional optics in the iPhone 7. Why this is so, the test unfortunately does not explain. Both cameras make good and fast photos with normal or weak lighting. However, the portrait function of the iPhone-7 camera at the time of the test was not yet unlocked. It is possible that the iPhone 7 Plus now has a better camera score (weighting: 15 percent).
The batteries of the Apple smartphones were not quite good. The fixed battery of the iPhone 7 Plus only achieved a "sufficient" (3.6). The smaller iPhone 7 even collected a 3.8. Most other smartphones in the test performed similarly badly - with two exceptions. The batteries of the Huawei P9 Plus and the Gigaset ME Pro received the "good" rating of 2.3 as the only one.
Huawei and Gigaset last longer
Both smartphones are much cheaper than the iPhones. The Huawei P9 Plus with an average price of 685 euros costs about 200 euros less than the cheapest version of the iPhone 7 Plus. The 5.5 inch display is similar to the iPhone 7 Plus. The camera of the Huawei P9 Plus, however, depends on good light conditions. Voice quality and network quality were only "satisfactory". But after all, Huawei Android smartphone pushed in the overall rating before the iPhone 7 to the second place.
The Gigaset ME Pro for an average of 430 euros landed on position 4 (total score: 2.3). The 5.5 inch Android smartphone has not only a strong battery, but is also very well processed, as we already noticed in our test of the little brother. However, the quality of the language also pleased people. The camera is fast, but only average good photos and below average videos.
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